Wu Class

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Wu Class
Namesake Monlia Wu
Term Spring 2015
Initiated 72
Crossed 63


President Ireneo Calip
Service VPs Connie Hua and Rachel Chan
Membership VPs Jasmine Lee and Malcolm Rivera
Fellowship VPs Jared Anderson and Javier Orozco
Pledge Parents Woo Ju Kim and Ky Van
Finance VPs Sam Ho and Hilary Tsai
Recording Secretaries Diana Dominguez and Bryan Thai
Corresponding Secretaries Kent Rodriguez and Judy Zhen
Press Secretaries Christina Nguyen and Brandon Yung
Alumni Secretaries Pooja Rajkumar and Harrison Qiu
Historians David Dinh and Chynna Gabotero
Sergeants-At-Arms Taylor Moxon, Kevin Luong, and Carson Dzuris
Chair to the Advisory Committee Teri Sheets


Spokesperson Kelvin Lee
Pledge Service Coordinators Michael Bancroft and Quynh Tran
Pledge Fellowship Coordinators Tim Park and Albert Yeh
Pledge Finance Coordinators Linh Luu
Pledge Historians Chloe Hofschneider and Lindsey Leck
Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms Ben Wang, Thinh Ngo-Phan, and Ethan Bell
Pledge Mascot Baymax



  • Initiation: February 27, 2015
  • Pledge Retreat: April 10-12, 2015
  • Special Event: May 23, 2015

Program Changes

  • The pledge program changed in the following ways
    • Maximum number of pledges per group increased from 3-4 to 7-8
    • Maximum number of trainers per group increased from 2 to 3. One trainer is the head trainer and two trainers are supporting trainers.
  • Change of pledge retreat location from Raymond, CA to Folsom, CA.
  • Provisional Status began to be enacted and enforced.
  • Iota Phi Chapter of Excellence scholarship began to be offered to senior actives brothers.
  • The original pin of the Vigorous Sapling has been discontinued at the National Office and is replaced with a new pin.
  • On 05/10/15, the chapter has voted to replace both Alumni Secretary and Press Secretary with a new excomm position called Outreach Secretary with the purpose of consolidating the duties of both positions into one in order to provide a constant stream of work throughout the term that was missing for the positions before outreach secretary that effectively began on 05/24/15.

Wu on Excomm

Awards to Chapter