Membership Vice Presidents

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Part of ExComm

Official Duties

The Membership VPs' duties are of the following:

  1. To serve as chairperson of the Membership Committee.
  2. To serve as chief liaison to the National Office and ensure that all national paperwork and fees are sent to the National Office by their due dates.
  3. To work with the president to promote and facilitate chapter involvement in sectional, regional, and national conferences.
  4. To assist the pledge parents and president to ensure that all national and chapter pledging standards are met.
  5. To formulate and execute a system for encouraging the participation of chapter members in national leadership programs.
  6. To have charge of materials in conjunction with active membership, including service pins.
  7. To prepare a term record to be used for reference by future membership vice presidents.
  8. To perform other duties as specified by the chapter president.
  9. To perform all other duties applicable as specified in the National Handbook for Membership and Pledging

In Practice

While also upholding their duties as stated in the bylaws, they are also responsible for other things. Some of these responsibilities extend from the bylaws whereas others were put in place through tradition:

  • Formulate a plan for Membership Retention.
  • Propose active requirements for the term that are numerically no easier than pledging requirements.
  • Inform the chapter about upcoming APO IMPACT Live presentations as listed here.
  • Inform the chapter about upcoming APO LEADS course presentations as listed here.
  • Request APO LEADS course presentations here.
  • Promote upcoming Sectional Conferences, Regional Conferences, and National Conventions in conjunction with Corresponding Secretaries.
    • Collaborate with Finance Vice Presidents to distribute funds from the Leadership Development Fund.
      • Research costs for registration, housing accommodations, and/or travel
    • Help plan out any group trips to reach conferences, such as flying out together or meeting up somewhere at a convention.
  • Appoint people to be in charge of roll call for any conferences or Fall Fellowships.
  • Oversee CAW Hours
    • Ensure sign-in sheets for CoHo Hours are collected and tracked
    • Ensure that a binder is placed in the library by the Circulation Desk for students to sign in for Athletic Hours, if they are required.
    • Appoint an Athletic Chair or otherwise ensure members have opportunities to fulfill academic hours
  • Arrange for leadership workshops, such as CLW, ALW, and/or other stand-alone workshops for members' benefit
  • Assist in the preparation and submission of of Annual Active Membership Dues (AAMDs), the H. Roe Bartle Award application, and applications for other awards.
  • Host roundtable discussions for members to discuss issues people have regarding the chapter

List of Iota Phi Membership Vice Presidents