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Part of ExComm

Official Duties

Usually three officers whose duties are:

1.To see that chapter members follow all policies and traditions noted in the National Pledging Standards, National Membership Policy, chapter constitution, and by-laws.

2.To know parliamentary procedure parliamentary conduct meetings and votes accordingly.

3.To keep order at all Chapter Meetings.

4.To have possession of a chapter mug at all Chapter Meetings.

5.To collect, count, and deliver mug money to the Finance Vice President(s).

6.To begin mugs by bad mugging those pledges not wearing their Pledge pins or members not wearing their Service Pins or Letters.

7.To assign a person to begin singing the toast song.

8.To conduct all elections (excluding those done by acclamation of a single candidate).

9.To receive all absentee ballots.

10.To see that all chapter officers and any interested members have a copy of the chapter constitution and by-laws.

In Practice

List of Iota Phi Sergeants-At-Arms