Toast Song

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National Definition

According to the national site:

"The Toast Song is the official fraternity song. It is usually sung at the end of all fraternity functions (meetings, ceremonies, conferences, etc.)."

History of the Toast Song

  • The lyrics to the first verse of this song were created in 1931 by Dale Bartlett of Iota chapter at Park College. The second verse was written by Robert Northwood of Epsilon Mu at the University of Maryland and were adopted as part of the Toast Song at the National Convention in 1964.
  • The National Fraternity acknowledges the importance of Brotherhood among all people. In 1976, the National Fraternity overwhelmingly voted to include women among its Brothers as full Members. The words in this toast song are interpreted by the Fraternity to include all Members of Alpha Phi Omega.
  • In the 2016 National Convention, legislation was passed to change the original lyrics to the Toast Song to further interpret the words to include all Members of Alpha Phi Omega. These changes can be seen below.

In Practice

  • The Toast Song is sung at the conclusion of every official fraternity meeting. This includes but is not limited to: general chapter meetings, initiation ceremonies, and the end of business at national, regional, and sectional delegate voting sessions and at all conventions.
  • In general meetings, brothers often add additional lyrics during each interlude while singing the Toast Song. In Iota Phi, these additional lyrics are, so loyal, so firm, to be, (our) fraternity, so strong, humanity, to thee. These follow each respective line of the Toast Song. However, it is important not to include these additional lyrics in formal events as it diminishes the overall meaning of the Toast Song.

Original Toast Song Lyrics

Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, loyal brothers we,

True to self and to each other, firm in loyalty,

Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be,

Men of Alpha Phi Omega, our fraternity.

Brothers clasp the hand of brothers, strong the circle we,

Ever mindful, ever serving all humanity.

Now we raise our grateful voices, in our song to thee,

Men of Alpha Phi Omega, may we always be.

Current Toast Song Lyrics

Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, loyal brothers we,

True to self and to each other, firm in loyalty,

Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be,

True to Alpha Phi Omega, our fraternity.

Brothers clasp the hand of brothers, strong the circle we,

Ever mindful, ever serving all humanity.

Now we raise our grateful voices, in our song to thee,

True to Alpha Phi Omega, may we always be.

Further References

To see printed, audio, and video formats of the Toast Song, see the national site's page about the Toast Song.