Cheng Class

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Cheng Class
Namesake Alice Cheng
Term Spring 2013
Initiated 74
Crossed 57


President Cody Harper
Service VPs Celia Yu and Kelley Liang
Membership VPs Tiffany Robertson and Mailyne Nguyen
Fellowship VPs Kristina Mae Catli and Wilson Wang
Pledge Parents Christian Machuca and Lisa Christensen
Finance VPs Alexander Shieh and Raymond Mach
Recording Secretaries Connie Hua and Lily Lee
Corresponding Secretaries Kent Rodriguez and Karen Saelee
Press Secretaries Brian Ning and Scott Lau
Alumni Secretaries Brian Valera and Tatiana Tam
Historians Henry Huang and Gina Saetern
Sergeants-At-Arms Abishak Kodi, Kevin Luu, and Kevin Ta


Spokesperson Kelvin Lee
Pledge Service Coordinators Janice Chan and Surabhi Iyengar
Pledge Fellowship Coordinators Brianna Myers and Katrina Avena
Pledge Finance Coordinators Stanley Liang and Helen Chan
Pledge Historians Theresa Le and Michelle Leung
Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms Kevin Dinh, Nikan Fini, and Jose Torres
Pledge Mascot Simba



  • Initiation: March 1, 2013
  • Pledge Retreat: April 5-7, 2013
  • Special Event: May 25, 2013

Program Changes

  • Reintroduced library hours and implemented study sessions as a wildcard option for actives.
  • Fundraising credit requirement rolled back from 2 points in Harty Term back to 1 point.
  • Increased Service hours requirement from 20 hours to 22 hours.
  • Increased the number of fellowship events needed to be attended from 6 to 7.
  • Excomm interviews were changed to be personal interviews, as opposed to having the pledges recite the roles of the position.
    • The role recitation was replaced with Excomm presentations that were held during pledge meetings.

Random Facts

  • At the 2013 Sectional Conference held at Mu Zeta, Iota Phi was elected to host the 2014 Sectionals.
  • At the 2013 Sectional Conference, the Iota Phi President was approached by Region X Director Craig Tanner to become the Big Brother chapter of the interest group forming to recharter at Chico State. The members of Iota Phi subsequently voted overwhelmingly in a chapter survey and during the General Meeting on April 1, 2013 in favor of becoming their Big Brother chapter.
  • Online badges were implemented for those who doubled their hours.
  • UC Davis began mandating that all Greek chapters attend a council. Alpha Phi Omega - Iota Phi subsequently joined the Professional Council.