Ng Class

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Ng Class
Namesake Derek Ng
Term Spring 2020
Term Sequence 123
Initiated 30
Crossed 21


President Dionysus De La Cruz
Service VPs Christine Yee and Connie Yuen
Membership VPs Samantha Woo and Kelly Chen
Fellowship VPs Kelley Chu and Urvashi Mahto
Pledge Parents Elisa Kwock and Joli Chien
Finance VPs Jasmine Lau and Judy Li
Recording Secretaries Jacob Wang and Kayla Banola
Corresponding Secretaries Maggie Hsu and Ivette Vargas
Outreach Secretaries Connie Liao and Cattien Le
Historians Winona Lo and Sarah Almuqri
Sergeants-At-Arms Sarah Chui, Alixe Nguyen, and Doris Inson
Chair to the Advisory Committee David Dinh


Spokesperson Michael Zhao
Pledge Service Coordinators Hazel Yu and Haley Hahn
Pledge Fellowship Coordinators Juliana Lau and Isabella Lau
Pledge Finance Coordinators Beatriz Ponce and Michael Yen
Pledge Historians Ingrid Wells and Noreen Au Young
Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms Justin Lee
Pledge Mascot Zoom Nook



  • Pinning Ceremony: February 21, 2020
  • Pledge Retreat: April 4, 2020

Program Changes

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic occurring during a great majority of this term, many significant, temporary changes were taken due to the inability to hold in-person chapter events 3 weeks into the pledge term. Temporary changes only to be implemented this term are marked with an asterisk (*) below.


  • Active leadership requirements reduced from 5 units to 4 units
    • Active leadership requirements further reduced from 4 units to 2 units*
  • Convention grid on bottom of leadership grids replaced with a more general "Attend a Conference" grid to allow for more flexibility in awarding leadership units.


  • Active service hour requirement reduced from 20 hours to 10 hours*
  • Active chairing requirement eliminated*
  • Active fields of service requirement reduced from all 4 fields of service to 2 fields of service*


  • Active IC/OIC requirements reduced from 1 IC event and 1 OIC event to 1 IC or OIC event*
  • In-person fellowship events were suspended after March 15th shelter-in-place order was given*
    • Online, virtual "fellowships" in lieu of in-person fellowships are allowed to count for fellowship credit*
  • Spring Sectionals scheduled to be at Gamma Beta was cancelled due to COVID-19*


  • Active fundraising requirement eliminated*

Pledge Support

  • Active pledge support requirements reduced from 4 units to 2 units*

Pledge Specific

  • Pledge retreat moved to an online format due to COVID-19*
  • Sponsor interview requirement reinstated
  • Executive Committee interview requirement reinstated
  • Advisor interview requirement reduced from 2 to 1
  • Term length extended from 9 to 10 pursuant to terms prior to F2K19
  • Introduction of successful completion of APO LEADS LAUNCH in leadership requirements
    • Requirement to complete APO LEADS LAUNCH later removed due to COVID-19*
  • Transition of leadership credit from check box system to grid system consistent with Active requirements (Version 1.2 onwards)
  • Pledge trainerboat requirement increased from 1 to 3
    • Requirement later reduced back to 1 due to COVID-19*



  • Active wildcard earned through attending additional leadership events reduced from 2 to 1*
  • Active wildcard earned through earning additional pledge support credits reduced from 4 to 2*
  • Active wildcard earned through attending additional IC/OIC events reduced from 2 to 1*
  • Introduction of active wildcard earned through submitting Historians 5 pictures/videos*
  • Active wildcard earned through additional service hours completed reduced from 7 to 5*
  • Active wildcard earned through attending additional general meetings reduced from 3 to 1*
  • Active wildcard earned through filling out all Membership Vice Presidents surveys reduced to 1*
  • Introduction of active wildcard for submitting 3 new documents to the Iota Phi test bank
  • Introduction of attending 2 Professional Sorority and Fraternity Council (PSFC) events for a wildcard
    • This wildcard was later retracted due to all PSFC events being cancelled due to COVID-19*
  • Introduction of wildcard credit for creating 2 new service projects (leadership unit given for create a service project)


Alejandra Godinez Gomez Alissa Frankel Antonio Flores
Beatriz Ponce Derrick Truong Haley Hahn
Hazel Yu Henry Tan Ingrid Wells
Isabella Lau Jason Tsang Juliana Lau
Justin Lee Laila Canosa Michael Yen
Michael Zhao Noreen Au Young Ryan Hall
Stephanie Matsumoto Viet Le Vivian Andrade

Ng on Excomm