Dinh Luong

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Revision as of 05:52, 18 May 2010 by Itsedmondfoo (talk | contribs)
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755.jpg DinhL.jpg dinhluong01.jpg dinhluong02.jpg

Pledged Toy class.


Offices and Positions

Awards and Accomplishments

Random Facts

  • Can fall asleep anywhere.
  • Used to eat anything and everything. Now he's a vegetarian.
  • Aliases: "Dinhsane" "Dinhternet" "Pu"
  • Writes (almost) daily on his blog.
  • LOVES Awards!! There is nothing in the world he loves more than awards. They are like meat to him, the most forbidden and delicious meat.
  • Joined APO so he could hit on girls while wearing a DSK at the beach. And a speedo. He already owns the speedo.
