Birthday Fairy
One of BirthdayComm's many costumed characters. The creation of the Birthday Fairy came about in a moment of brilliance when BirthdayComm chair, Peggy Sung, and Jackie Huynh were working on the "BirthdayComm Special Project." The "Special Project" would end up failing, however, due to several design flaws, but BirthdayComm couldn't go to the active meeting without something to offer...
In a stroke of brilliance, Peggy and Jackie raided Jackie's costumes, borrowed Michelle Chow's skirt, fashioned a makeshift sash, and decided upon a new plan of attack...
In a matter of five minutes, the Birthday Fairy was born. But who would wear the costume? Who would be the best suited for the honor to prance around in the name of BComm and active retention? Who would be manly enough to wear a skirt?
It was decided that BComm member, Dinh Luong, fit the bill. He had all the qualifications... Plus, it wouldn't be as funny if Peggy ran around in the skirt. Dinh was called, told to come over to Jackie's for a fitting (without being told exactly what he was being fitted for), and he was christened the first official mascot of BComm. His performance was enjoyed by all at that day's active meeting.
Dinh reprived his role as the Birthday Fairy once again at another meeting, but BComm has since retired the beloved mascot.