Difference between revisions of "Dinh Luong"

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m (Reverted edit of Dinh, changed back to last version by Kunglan)
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Pledged [[Toy class]].  Has tried ever since to destroy the chapter. Don't give him a DSK.
Pledged [[Toy class]].
== Family ==
*Member of [[Loose]]
*[[Big Bro]] and [[Sponsor]]: [[Diana Pai]]
*[[Lil Bro|Lil Bros]]: [[Clint Stevenson]], [[Tommy Le]] (shared with [[Clint Stevenson]]), [[Grace Ching Yu Chang|Grace Chang]] (shared with [[Joe Lau]] and [[Tony Wang]]), [[Nelson Tsai]], [[Gloria Banh]] (shared with [[Tommy Le]]), [[Jessica Choy]], and [[Linda Nguyen]]
*[[Sponsor|Sponsorees]]: [[Annie Saechao]], [[Janice AuYeung]], [[Mei (Woan) Hong]], and [[Alice Hsu]]
*[[Adopted Big Bro|Adopted Big Bros]]: [[Alice Cheng]], [[Bethany Whiteside]]
* [[Real sibling|Real Sib]]: [[Dongha Luong]]
== Offices and Positions ==
*[[Pledge historian]]: [[Toy class]] (Spring 2004) with [[Eddie Chan]]
*[[SAA]]: [[West class]] (Fall 2004) with [[Eddie Chan]] and [[Allan Dacanay]]
*[[Webmaster]]: [[Tran class]] (Spring 2005) with [[Erik Staab]].  (Really more like Data Entry Chair)
*[[Service Vice Presidents|Service VP]]: [[Schroeder class]] (Fall 2005) with [[Will Fraser]]
*[[Webmaster]]: [[Fong-Quan class]] (Spring 2006) with [[Erik Staab]] and [[Clint Stevenson]]
*[[SAA]]: [[Westlake class]] (Fall 2006) with [[Vince Tano]] and [[Selena Yang]]
*[[Webmaster]]: [[Mayen class]] (Spring 2007) with [[Clint Stevenson]]
*[[President]]: [[Jadel Class]] (Fall 2007)
== Awards and Accomplishments ==
*Received the [[Golden Slipper]], [[Vigorous Sapling]], [[CoHo whore]], [[Stuck On You]] (with [[Eddie Chan]]), and "Overall"  pledge awards.
*Received the [[Fellow Dog]] award [[Toy class|Toy]] term.
*Received the [[Service Cow]] during [[West class|West]] term.
*Received [[Sturdy Oak]] awards every active term.
*Received the [[IC Award]] [[West class|West]] and [[Tran class|Tran]] terms.
*Very honored to have received the "mystery" [[BASOOS]] from [[Michelle Chow]].
== Random Facts ==
*Calls [[Jackie Huynh|Jackie]] and [[Christiana Kang|Christiana]] "bosses" because of serving under them as [[Pledge historian]].
*Was the official [[BirthdayComm]] [[Birthday Fairy]].
*Can fall asleep anywhere.
*Will eat anything
*Love his [[Almira Van|Mommy Van]] and [[Thuong Tang|Mommy Tang]] very much!
*Aliases: "Dinhsane" "Dinhternet" "[[Pu]]"
*Part of [[Team Ninga]]

Revision as of 17:13, 4 February 2008

755.jpg DinhL.jpg dinhluong01.jpg dinhluong02.jpg

Pledged Toy class.


Offices and Positions

Awards and Accomplishments

Random Facts

  • Can fall asleep anywhere.
  • Will eat anything
  • Aliases: "Dinhsane" "Dinhternet" "Pu"
