Active of the Week
Active of the Week is an award administered by the Membership Vice Presidents on a weekly basis to an active who represents any of Iota Phi's principles. Many similar awards have been offered in the past, including Friend of the Week, which was given only once during Spring 2002, Hsiung Term to Tina Pham. The first known use of Active of the Week was during Fall 2003, Hancock Term when it was created by Ian Rojas and Stephanie Liu. The next prominent version of this award was the Awesome Active Award.
Awesome Active Award

Membership Vice Presidents gave this award on a weekly basis to actives who have contributed positively and notably to the chapter, or have otherwise demonstrated qualities that deserve recognition. The award is presented as a certificate with a Jamba Juice gift card. Introduced in Krenek Term by Membership VPs Becky Le and Christina Ly, the Awesome Active Award was created as a fun way of boosting active morale.
This award effectively replaced the Active of the Week award. The difference between the two is that Active of the Week required a vote, which decidedly took too much time. Instead, the Membership VPs actively looked for candidates for this award and considered suggestions from other actives or pledges. While the award was not distributed during Jaromay Term--the term following Krenek Term--the Awesome Active Award returned in Fall 2009.
A special version of this award called the Super Awesome Active Award was presented to one active Brother by the Membership VPs at Banquet. The original award certificate features a stylish pink background and 'Hello Kitty' theme, because its creators really like Hello Kitty. It is arguably the most stylish certificate ever given by this chapter.