Fu Class
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Fu Class | ||||||||||||
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- Andrew Chin [Drew]
- Anthony Rosas [Tony]
- Chistiana Lee
- Christopher Cheung [Chris]
- Dahye Choi [Dee]
- David Sargent
- Diana Pai [Pai]
- Diem Huynh
- Elizabeth Nguyen [Liz]
- Eric Wong (Fu)|Eric Wong
- Esther Swen
- Frances Cuevas [Fran]
- Jennifer Chiok
- Jessica To
- Jimmy Koo
- John Vo [JV]
- Judy Cheong
- Julie Pham [Jules]
- Katherine Soong
- Kelvin Lin
- Kimberly Liao [Kim]
- Linda Saevang
- Melanie Quitoriano [Mel]
- Pamela Lee [Pam]
- Patricia Mills [Patty]
- Quan Phan
- Roenna Nguyen [Roe]
- Samantha Duong [Sam]
- Serena Woo [Ser]
- Steven Chen
- TheresaMai Le
- Thomas Tsai
- Vincent Tam [Vince]
- Vivian Thai
- Yong Choi
Program Changes
- First pledge class to give Pledge Parents paddles.
- First Active vs Pledges Week held. Includes such events as the Five by Five Eat off, Capture the flag, and Iron Chef.
- Family Competition week was ended to decrease family drama.
- The Pledges created an 18 clue long Sneak. It was ended after 7 clues.
- The position of webmaster was brought back to the signature sheet, having been dead since Tom Class.
- Iota Phi hosted sectionals on the UCDavis campus, cohosting with Alpha Alpha Xi. Sectionals Chairs were Minh Tran, Christina Huen, and Samantha Warriner; Denise Oh was banquet chair. Aaron Lipton was workshops chair.
- Spring Retreat occured at Arrowhead Lake, in Southern California. Injuries and rat droppings abounded.
Something Random
We are also known affectionately as FU'kers and as the pledge class who started the trend of all those profane/obscene t-shirts. Check out the hotness.