Chandler Class

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Chandler Class
Namesake James L. Chandler
Term Fall 2010
Initiated {{{initiated}}}


President Jeffrey Kwong
Service VPs Kaycee Calip and QA Nguyen
Fellowship VPs Chrisy Tran and Ivana Bui
Membership VPs Jessica Li and Kristal Delacruz
Pledge Parents Alexander Nguyen and Katarina Chan
Finance VPs Dennis Wong and Haley Zhao
Recording Secretaries Mina Vuong and Quynh Nguyen
Corresponding Secretaries Giolinh Luong and Kerry Ho
Press Secretaries Maiden Do and Nick Long
Alumni Secretaries David Roy and My An Nguy
Historians Karen Trinh and Wilson Zhen
Sergeants-At-Arms Amit Chu, Clarence Lam, and Nick Or


Spokesperson Ken Chen
Pledge Service Coordinators Sherry Chen and Tiffany Robertson
Pledge Fellowship Coordinators Haley Wong and Lisa Kwong
Pledge Finance Coordinators Minh Ngo and Danh Huynh
Pledge Secretaries Hannah Yoo and Kristin Caroza
Pledge Historians Maggie Yue and Tommy Hoang
Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms Joey Chen, Jonathan Kim, and Samuel Cheung
Pledge Mascot Minions (Despicable Me)


Program Changes

  • Removed Pledge Group Fellowship and Service projects. In their place was a "Chandler's Challenge" requirement, which was the namesake's challenge to each pledge class to create a project to help youth. One side-effect of this was a lower number of service projects on the calendar for the term.
  • Four Pledge Trainers were put in charge of each group. This is an unprecedented high, as pledge groups were previously led by at most three trainers.
  • Seven Big Bro/Little Bro Chairs were appointed as opposed to the typical six. This had not been done since Jaromay Term.
  • Recording Secretaries began sending out semiweekly e-mail newsletters every Tuesday and Thursday to reduce e-mail spam to the chapter. These semiweekly e-mail newsletters typically include updates and announcements from ExComm officers and Chairs.
  • Recording Secretaries also began a dare penalty for ExComm officers who turned in their powerpoint agenda slides late. The dares are selected by Recording Secretaries from submissions made by the Chapter, and announced at the meetings.
  • Recording Secretaries received their own committee, Reccomm, as opposed to the Luong term, which combined all secretary positions into one committee.
  • For the first time, Recording Secretaries had their committee members update Wiki pages to record changes that occurred during the term. A caveat to this approach is that the committee members did not research whether all of the purported changes had been done in the past. However, some listed changes were appropriate.
  • In hopes of having members stay for at least half of the meeting, recording secretaries passed around the meeting's sign-in sheet during the Finance Vice-President's agenda, as opposed to the beginning of the meeting.
  • This is the first term for which the Wiki was taken down a week before Family Revealing. Prior to this, only family pages were made invisible.
  • Whereas during Krenek Term the chapter paid for registration of all delegates and all hotel fees for Nationals, this term faced limitations. The chapter paid for the voting delegates' registration and hotel fees, and had other delegates share the room with the voting delegates while splitting the remainder of the cost. Non-voting delegates would be reimbursed for the conference registration fee as well. The lack of hotel coverage was due to large losses incurred during the 2009 Region X Conference and Winter Retreat during McKenzie Term.
    • There are differing opinions as to why hotel coverage was not offered. One reason being that hotels/airfare are not a direct part of obtaining leadership experience and thus should not be covered. Another reason is the belief that Nationals is not the only leadership event that is worthwhile of funding, rather that money saved from spending on the few that go to Nationals could be spent on paying the entire chapter's registration fee for a much closer leadership event. Thus hopefully allowing more members to gain leadership experience.
  • Scavenger Hunt was made much more tame for risk management reasons due to feedback from the Section Chair and Region Director. See the Scavenger Hunt page for more details.
  • Xpressions was turned into a blog this term.
  • Due to unwieldy pledge class sizes in previous terms, a maximum capacity of 110 pledges was placed on this term. In previous terms, there was no limit. The 110 cap was an attempt to better-accommodate the pledges and actives, since chapter events and programs were getting hard to manage. e.g. Most Pledge Retreat locations did not have enough camp sites. The cap was placed on a "first come, first serve" basis. The first 110 students were given a corresponding number to let them know that they were within the cap.
  • Of the 12 CAW Hours required, two of those hours must be Academic Hours. This had not been done since Lipton Term. The goal was to encourage members to concentrate on academics.
  • Finance Vice Presidents began displaying weekly expenditures at general meeting.
  • Finance Vice Presidents once again tried a Texas Hold'em Tournament fundraiser, which had not been done in several years. The tournament did not make a substantial profit, but appeared to have strong potential with evaluation and revision.
  • For the first time, pledges were required to write down duties of each ExComm position on the back of the interview page.
  • Membership Vice Presidents introduced "We Like It On TOP (Team Over Person)" events.
    • These were made for Actives while Pledges were asked to respectfully not attend
    • They consisted of Active bonding gatherings (i.e. eating and conversing) with a cap to make them more intimate
    • They also included Active Leadership Workshops hosted by MVPs or other Active Brothers
  • Membership Vice Presidents also introduced Spirit Scouts
    • They cheered for Class Chants and Iota Phi Spirit
    • They also made new cheers to represent Iota Phi
    • They assisted Spirit Chairs with their duties
    • Spirit Chairs and Spirit Scouts together were known as The Cheerios