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3.4 Associate Membership

3.4.1.This chapter may confer associate membership upon any active member in good standing with the University who finds it necessary to cease full involvement in chapter affairs because of other commitments of time and effort, and who informs the chapter membership vice president of his or her desire for such membership.

3.4.2.An associate member shall be required to pay associate chapter dues, and will have all privileges of active membership except for voting and holding office. Associate members that wish to hold an office for the following term must ensure that the previous term’s requirements are met before the elections date.

3.4.3. If an associate member chooses to become an active member at the beginning of a given term then reinstatement to active status shall be accomplished by informing the chapter vice president {membership}, paying active membership dues, completing active membership requirements the current term. After the requirement deadline of the current term, the member will be considered an active member.

3.4.4.An active member can choose to become an associate member up until eight weeks into a given term. There is no time requirement for the changing of associate status to active status.