Raymond Chan
Pledged: Jadel Class F2K7
- Member of Close Family
- Big Bro Becky Le
- Lil Bro Carol Nguyen
- Lil Bro Vanessa Au
- Lil Bro Angela Yang
- Half Twin Wilson Li
- Big Square Anthony Duong
- Lil Square Tiffany Ngo, Vi Nguyen
- Sponsor Isabella Pamatmat
- Sponsorees Audrey Shiramizu (Lipton Class), Jamila Wu (Krenek Class), Chloe Tang (Jaromay Class)
Offices and Positions
- Pledge fellowship: Jadel Class (Fall 2007) with Cindy Huynh
- Recording Secretary: Lipton Class (Spring 2008) with Cindy Huynh
- Fellowship Vice President: Krenek Class (Fall 2008) with Cindy Huynh
- Big Bro Little Bro Chair: Jaromay Class (Spring 2009)
- Pledge Trainer Group 13!!!: Jaromay Class (Spring 2009) with Vanessa Au and Leslie Cheng
- Regionals Committee: Banquet Chair
- Pledge Leadership Award: Jadel Class (Fall 2007)
- The Most Outgoing, Prideful Jadel that could be Heard from outer space Award: Jadel Class (Fall 2007)
- Fellow Puppy: Jadel Class (Fall 2007)
- Vigorous Sapling: Jadel Class (Fall 2007)
- Chapter LFS Awards: Service Award: Lipton Class (Spring 2008)
- Service Cow: Lipton Class (Spring 2008)
- Fragrant Thorn: Lipton Class (Spring 2008)
- Sturdy Oak: Lipton Class (Spring 2008), Krenek Class (Fall 2008), Jaromay Class (Spring 2009)
- Chapter LFS Awards: Leadership Award: Krenek Class (Fall 2008)
Random Facts
- Enjoys screaming "JAY WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?" really loud during meetings - Recently got bad mugged by Kat Chan for not doing it as often as before
- Partners with Cindy Huynh--First met each other competing in the Iron Chef Cook-off in F2K7 AvP week
- Enjoys cooking
- Getting better at baking
- Part of Team Ninga
- Can always be found at Fellowship
- Or competing at any Iron Chef events
- Lost half of his hearing as a result of sitting next to Cindy Huynh during meetings
- While pledging, his housemates named him "RayPhiO" because he was never home and always seen at the COHO tables instead of going to class. They still call him that.
- Angela J Cheng likes to twist my nipples -____-
- Textwhore to the maaax! It's easier to text than call some times.
- Constantly eating. Known as Pig BB sometimes by Pig Lil Angela Yang...like Big like Lil.
- Always thinking of ways and reasons to disown Lil Angela Yang...twisted man!