Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms

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Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms (Pledge SAAs) are members of PlexComm. The task of the Pledge SAA is to help regulate the pledge meetings. Before Fall 2007, when pledge meetings and general meetings were separate, Pledge SAAs also had the ability to start the pledge meeting because they are the one responsible for the role call of the pledge groups. They also play a role subordinate to the Sergeants-At-Arms during the business portion of the meetings.

This office existed during the 1990s, but at some point fell out of practice. During the Fall 2005 PLW, Executive Committee officers were assigned to talk to each pledge group about their respective offices. Clayton Luu assigned the rooms in which ExComm officers would talk about their positions. However, one group had an empty space, as there were no other officers able to talk to the pledges about PlexComm. Donald Yip yelled out "Pledge SAA!" Perhaps Sergeant Yip was serious, or maybe he was joking, but his fellow SAA Clayton agreed. Thus, the pledge SAA office was born. The Schroeder term SAAs made an impromptu speech about the new, exciting, and groundbreaking pledge Sergeant-At-Arms office.

List of Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms