McKenzie Class

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McKenzie Class
Namesake Jack McKenzie
Term Fall 2009
Initiated {{{initiated}}}




Program Changes

  • Pledge Parents, through the advice of President Jhonatan Paredes, implemented a Strikes Policy modeled after Chi Chapter's policy. Under this system, a total of four strikes for any number of misdemeanors listed in pledge-signed contract resulted in that pledge DPing. Pledges received strikes for infractions like skipping meetings, and fractions of strikes for smaller infractions like not wearing their pledge pins. Strikes are not removable, and wildcards do not make up for them. However, pledges still had to use wildcards to make up some missed requirements like quizzes.
  • Pledge Secretaries created a pledge newsletter called "Plexpressions" to keep pledges informed about important pledge-related information.
  • Pledge Parents implemented a pledge website modeled after Chi Chapter's pledge website to allow pledges to keep track of their requirements and other important information such as the number of strikes accumulated.
  • Ashish Bhatt and Derek Ng wrote significant amendments to the Chapter By-Laws to update them to reflect current practices.
    • The Publicity Committee and Communications Committee were merged to exist under the Super Secretary Committee
    • Membership VPs are now required to host at minimum one leadership event per term (e.g. ALW, CLW, a LEADS workshop)
    • Created a Risk Management Committee to deal with potential risk management infractions. This committee supplements the Advisory Committee so pledges and actives can speak to people they may see more often and feel more comfortable communicating with.
    • Created an official Long-Term Strategic Planning Committee chaired by the president to address issues that may span multiple terms, such as bids to host conferences, goals for the Leadership Development Fund, and more.
  • The Service Vice Presidents moved back to the negative hours system, as it was changed in the previous term.