West class

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Pledge class of fall 2004. Named for Togo D. West, Jr..


President: Drew Mayen

Service Vice Presidents: Alice Cheng & Joseph Milligan

Membership Vice Presidents: Jenny Luong & Nino Mijares

Fellowship Vice Presidents: Bao Ngo & Roenna Nguyen

Pledge Parents: Stephanie Liu & Ian Rojas

Treasurers: Nancy Wong & Stephanie Lee

Recording Secretaries: Jane Pham & Nancy Phu

Corresponding Secretaries: Maggie Lam & Sabrina Wong

Historians: Sophia Chang & Peggy Sung

Sergeant At Arms: Dinh Luong, Eddie Chan, & Allan Dacanay

Webmaster: Erik Staab

Advisors Andy McClelland, Kevin Quan, Gina Lee, Emil Tehrani, Minh Tran, Krista Fong


Spokesperson: Will Fraser

Pledge service: Aaron Roan, Miyama Ishii

Pledge fellowship: Erin Baccay, Kim Ruiz

Pledge secretary: Alicia Lin, Katrina Salumbides

Pledge historian: Brandon Takemori, Tony Wang

Pledge mascot: Stewie from Family Guy


  • West Class, being the caring pledges they were, created a whole week devoted to their big bros, referred to as "Big Bro Appreciation Week"
  • West Class is also known for their Sneak preparations. In order to fool the chapter, the Sneak announcement was carefully encoded in an e-mail to the chapter from Clark Adriano, pretending to be spam mail.