Katz Class

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Katz Class
Maggie katz.PNG
Namesake Maggie Katz
Term Fall 2022
Term Sequence 126


President Anna Truong
Service VPs Rachel Rengpraphun and Alicia Wong
Membership VPs Winona Lo and Vanessa Santos
Fellowship VPs Sarah Chui and Rosefina Gao
Pledge Parents Christine Yee and Kyle Chan
Finance VPs Tsubasa Lin and Hazel Yu
Recording Secretaries Samantha Gee and Connie Yuen
Corresponding Secretaries None
Outreach Secretaries Eva Chen and Michael Zhao
Historians Catherine Gonzalez and Cecilia Tran
Sergeants-At-Arms Stephanie Le and Jane Wu
Chair to the Advisory Committee David Dinh


Spokesperson Mandy Xia
Pledge Service Coordinators Audrey Yeung and Sean Aralar
Pledge Fellowship Coordinators Julian Atalit and Christopher Hackett
Pledge Finance Coordinators Koji Lo and Sabrina Chang
Pledge Historians Kelly Zhu and Crystal Dang
Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms Erica Tam
Pledge Mascot



Alec Mariscal Amy Nguyen Audrey Yeung
Calvin Lin Christopher Hackett Crystal Dang
Erica Tam Isabella Lee Jeffrey Zhu
Joey Siu Julian Atalit Kelly Zhu
Koji Lo Lani Lam Luke Chen
Mandy Xia Nathan Chan Sabrina Chang
Sean Aralar