Sarn Saeteurn

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Sarn T Saeteurn
Birthday December 5 1988
Graduation 2011
Major(s) Psychology
Pledge Class McKenzie Class, F2K9
Family Close
Big Bro(s) Josephine Diep

McKenzie Class Family Revealing

McKenzie Class BB Revealing

Luong Term BB Revealing
Cv_line.JPG Sarnkelly.jpg

Chew Term BB Revealing
Chewrevealsarngrace.jpg Chewrevealgracesarnjosie.jpg

Pledge Class: McKenzie Class F2K9



Awards and Accomplishments

Random Facts

  • Member of the Elk Grove Crew! EG!
  • Sarn won't tell if QA Nguyen doesn't tell. ;)
  • If Sarn could commit a crime and get away with it, he would commit the greatest crime against humanity and betray humans. He would give the aliens information about humans so they can enslave the human race.
  • Creator of the pizza box weapon for Assassins during Luong term.

Pizzabox weapon.gif