Watch in real time as Robert sends you cursed images

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FB Messenger Group


Watch in real time as Robert sends you cursed images is a Facebook Messenger groupchat that is based upon sin and memes. The current group admins are Robert Tucker and Andre Nguyen, though Robert does the majority of the sinning. The group's content contains various wholesome memes, uwus, anime, NC-17 images, and other disgusting content that strays far from any light. Jacob Cisneros is arguably the worst addition to the chat, though all contributors are equally terrible and undeserving of any respect.

Example 1 of Homemade Meme
Example 2 of Homemade Meme

However, Homemade Memes are rare and the group's content mainly consists of stolen content from Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media sources. The following are examples of the SFW memes/images that are relatively socially acceptable to the general public.

uh ....... sadboi meme

Current Members

Robert Tucker - founding father, admin: constantly sins, tickles everyone's pickles, active contributor

Andre Nguyen - admin: beefy on the outside - sinner on the inside, active contributor

Anna Rodrigues - active contributor

Alex Martinez

Alex Soepardi - hentai boi

Allison Ko

Ameed Nazery

Austin Ryu

Beatrice Zhu - active contributor

Binh Phan

Blake Bradley

Carson Ho - semi-active contributor

Claudia Fong - active contributor

Darell John Andaya

Diane Ha

Elisa Kwock

Emily Chen

Ethan Bell

Evan Do

Franky Kwan - recent addition

Henderson Lu

Jack Ta

Jacob Cisneros - SINNER. SINNER. SINNER. SINNER. active contributor, controversial posts

Jane Jeong

Jasmine Lau

Jay Rainton

Jennifer Duong

Jia Tan

Jilliane De Leon

Joli Chien

Jon Lusung

Judy Li

Kelly Zhen

Kevin Jin - boba

Kimberly Saigusa

Leandro Lebumfacil

Marco Gomez - active contributor

Michael Lam - active contributor, controversial posts, shares Facebook videos/posts that people do not look at

Quynh Le

Samantha Wong

Thomas Tang

Trisha Te

Wilson Chu - semi-active contributor