
From Iota Phi Wiki
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3 hours
50-70 people
IC Fellowship

Auditorium-style classroom on campus

Event Profile
A biannual show that boasts both talents and non-talents of the actives and pledges. People may also submit in films/videos that they have made (which is why in recent terms the event has also been known as TNT/IPHI Oscars).
Brothers and pledges are able to show a different side of them - revealing hidden talents or being outright entertaining. This produces an enjoyable event and a way for the chapter to recognize people and their talents.

{{#arraymap:A classroom equipped with a sound system and a microphone for the host. Each act brings their own necessary materials.|;|x|
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The show starts with a quick introduction and then onwards to the acts.

Potential Execution and Risk Management Issues
Execution Issues

{{#arraymap:Sometimes there are not enough people who sign up to participate. This has led to cancellations in the past.|;|x|

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Risk Management Issues

{{#arraymap:Acts must fall under risk managements. Although some acts may be funnier if they were a little more risque, the chapter must adhere said rules and understand that if pictures or videos get leaked of a brother doing something that damages the reputation of Alpha Phi Omega, that could be very bad news for the fraternity.|;|x|

  • x|\n}}

Talent-No-Talent (aka TNT) is the talent (or no talent, hence the name) show that Iota Phi puts on every term. Acts range from random skits and songs to music videos and Lew Brothers productions.