Sexy Group 6

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The SEXIEST Pledge Group of Lipton Class (S08)

Because it includes some of the sexiest pledges:

Who are led and LOVED by Christina Tu, Lauren Tami, and Mari Cam Vi Nguyen

Group 6, being the best pledge group of Lipton class hands down, like to hang out outside the pledge group meetings:

  • Chi Omega Fundraiser - first attempt, pretty last minute, week before finals, ended up being only Mari, Arleen, and Christina, with Matt Tan tagging along, but it was pretty chill :]] (watch out for milk! lol)
  • Swirls - Thursday April 10th - managed to get most of the group together (minus Tien who had class and Debbie who thought it was at 9:30 instead of 8:30 *SAD FACE* but they were there in spirit heheh), plus Ray Chan, and just chilleddd <33 yay for healthy stuffs!