Pledge Trainer

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Pledge Trainers are individuals appointed by the Pledge Parents to lead pledge groups. The name "Pledge Trainer" at Iota Phi refers to a position very different from what you might find at other chapters. At most chapters, "pledge trainer" refers to the pledge master, pledge educator, or pledge parent, as different chapters use different names for the same position. At Iota Phi, since pledge classes are often upwards of 80 people, they are split into smaller groups called Pledge Groups. Each Pledge Group is typically led by two or three pledge trainers. The pledges in each group are referred to as the Pledge Trainer's Trainees.


Pledge Trainers do not have official duties unless prescribed by Pledge Parents, but generally they are responsible for helping Pledge Parents administer quizzes, remind pledges of upcoming major events, advise pledges about completing requirements, and assist them in completing pledge group projects such as pledge group fellowships, service projects, or leadership workshops. Pledge Trainers often become very close to their pledge groups and still hang out with them beyond the pledging term. Trainers should try to foster brotherhood in their pledge groups, since that is why pledge classes are initially split into smaller groups.

How to Apply

To become a Pledge Trainer, you typically have to fill out an application that the Pledge Parents announce the availability of some time before the pledge term. After reviewing each application, the Pledge Parents will announce trainers shortly before the term begins.