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Kazoku in Japanese means "Family." Despite not being related by blood, the bonds between every Kazoku member runs deep, creating a wholesome coalition of people who seek friendship in hopes of good times and good hangouts. Kazoku is exclusive only as far as the entrance test, that test being that one seek out a Kazoku member and becoming friends with them!

Kazoku often takes photos at APO events with all members included in the style of a line photo. Members and pledges alike get confused at the unapparent lineage Kazoku has.


The origins of Kazoku date back to May 5th, 2018 on the day of Spring 2K18's D4K. As D4K escorts were lining up in preparation to get a date, Leandro Lebumfacil (who was volunteering as an usher) walked up and down the line talking to the escorts in an effort to pass time. It was here that Leandro would speak to Jane Jeong and Diane Ha, and although he was at a comfortable level of camaraderie with the two ladies, his relations to them would slowly change after that night. Dressed in a checkered dress shirt and khakis, Jane and Diane commented on Leandro's appearance, relating it to that of a Dad. Leandro, having been told that many times that night, accepted this joking insult and responded back by calling them his "daughters." Diane reeled back with disgust however Jane took the joke to a new level by calling Leandro "Otousan," meaning "Father" in Japanese. Diane decided that being a "daughter" wouldn't be so bad and started calling Leandro "Dad" as well. Leandro, feeling betrayed by Diane's initial decision, refused to adopt Diane as a daughter. Regardless, later that night the three of them took a "family" photo and all was well in the world.

Eventually, on May 13th, 2018 Diane created a Facebook chat, adding Leandro, Jane, and Jay Rainton. Diane, despite considering naming the chat "Sugoi Squad," ultimately elected to call the group chat "Kazoku <3." Eventually Alex Soepardi, Joli Chien, and Zi Fang were added to the chat and the immediate family of Kazoku was formed. Diane Ha created the initial family tree, but was rearranged by Jane Jeong on June 3rd, 2018 in an effort to bring Zi Fang and Joli Chien into the direct Kazoku lineage.

Family Hierarchy

Leandro Lebumfacil, "THE FATHER" (previously known as "Grandpa") - The supposed father to all Kazoku members, Leandro's greatest quality he brings to Kazoku is his car. He is often spurred into messaging the chat by Jane, who calls him out when he leaves the chat on read. His Dad-ness tends to level up whenever he wears a hat, a dress shirt, or tells horrible jokes.

Jane Jeong, "Lebum's Daughter" (previously known as "Okaasan") - Daughter to Leandro, Jane is the most considerate family member of all of Kazoku. She replies to the chat messages most often and spurs family members into conversations. Her fangirl-nature to both K-pop and anime and her nervous energy is beloved by all members of Kazoku. The volume of her voice rivals only the volume of her warmth and kindness. She aLSO likES to messagE liKE tHIS rIPPO :,,,,)

Diane Ha, "Jane's Daughter" (previously known just as "Daughter") - Daughter to Jane Jeong, Diane is certainly the heart of Kazoku. Constantly thinking of events that Kazoku can to go to besides food, Diane appreciates a chance at hanging out with anyone in Kazoku whenever she has the time. Diane is an immensely genuine person that cares a lot about the people she opens up to. Her love for her friends is only rivaled by her love of K-pop and drama shows of all cultures. Her epitaph would read "Eat. Sleep. Kpop. Repeat."

Jay Rainton, "Jane's Akachan" (previously known just as "Akachan") - Baby to Jane Jeong, Jay found kinship with Diane, Jane, and Joli long before Kazoku. His laughing face brings much joy to those around him and his first words were "Oof." Jay's ability to listen patiently and sincerely is complemented with his sense of responsibility and intelligence. As a baby, his future is very bright.

Alex Soepardi, "Jane's Son" (previously known as "Son" and "THE SON") - Son to Jane Jeong, Alex is the family pervert. Often troubled by OChem homework, Alex's purpose in life is to find the best ABG he can. But in actuality, his quest for the A-B-G V-A-G is not what defines Alex. Alex is an easy person to talk to and has the mysterious ability to make people laugh. Maybe it's his jokingly-dirty side, maybe it's his face, who can say for sure?

Joli Chien, "Zi's Daughter" (previously known as "Akachan's Kanojo") - Daughter to Zi Fang, Joli is like the other side of the pillow, cool! The consensus about Joli is that she is the most lovable in the group. Besides being a hard worker and an amazing artist, Joli's best quality is her ability to take half-face snapchats and document the life and times of her doggie.

Zi Fang, "Lebum's Son" (previously known as "Son #2" and "Substance Abuse Ojisan") - Son to Leandro, Zi is like the loose change you may find in a couch, surprising to see but happy to find! Despite his presence in the group chat being mostly non-existent, Zi generally comes to in-person hangouts. His ability to meme and rave is none like any other, and every family needs a wild child! Despite his fuccboi appearance, Zi is a very considerate and kind person who is down to listen to a wholesome conversation or trade details on gossip. Get you a man who can do both. Get Zi Fang.