Family Chairs
Individuals in charge of organizing Secret Week events, Secret Week gifts, as well as activation gifts. Each family has any number of family chairs (usually one to five) that work together to determine what the family will do, give during those specified times, and how to spend its members' money.
Family Chairs are selected by a number of ways. Sometimes via family elections, appointment by the previous chair, or simply consensus (convenient when only a few people are interested). Some Families have run themselves with one head chair, then sub-chairs for different portions of secret week, such as a Gifts Chair or a Monday Night Chair.
While not responsible for pairings, some terms it is the family chair's job to distribute the pairings to their family. The way distribution works generally depends on the pledge parent's prerogative, but it is not uncommon for the forms to be held by the family chair (and the identity of an active's little bro) until that active pays his or her family dues.
See also