Wan Class
President | Will Warriner |
Service VPs | Fon Maksaereekul and Kalen Fu |
Membership VPs | Charlene Tan and Gina Chen |
Fellowship VPs | Neil Ghosh and Victoria Phantai |
Pledge Masters | Anna Leu and Heather Wong |
Treasurer | Milly Shiu |
Recording Secretaries | Alex Ham and Hanh Nguyen |
Corresponding Secretaries | Chau Truong and Sunny Wan |
Historian | Veronique Ortiz |
Sergeants-At-Arms | Andrew Yee, Brian Ho, and Peter Wong |
Pledge Spokesman: Kiet Chieng
- Alli Rehm 1st
- Ana Galang Yap 1st
- Andy McClelland 2nd
- Anna Pinlac 1st
- Chester Chow 3rd
- Chris Cruz 3rd
- Christina Auyeung 3rd
- Christine Liu 2nd
- Christy Tarditi 1st
- Cynthia Yun 2nd
- Dani Haack 2nd
- David Sanchez 1st
- Denae Gutierrez 1st
- Eden Cayabyab 1st
- Erin Devera 1st
- Everard Visitacion 2nd
- Fanny Yeung 1st
- Frank Chang 3rd
- Gina Nguyen 1st
- Hillary Henderson 2nd
- Jeff Delumpa 3rd
- Jeffrey Lo 1st
- Jessica Tran 3rd
- Joe Young 3rd
- Johnny Correa 1st
- Josh Trinidad 2nd
- Katrina Reyes 3rd
- Katy Ip 3rd
- Kiet Chieng 4th
- Larry Lee 2nd
- Le Banh 3rd
- Lillian Wong 2nd
- Lina Chan 3rd
- Linda Yun 1st
- Linh Dang 1st
- Maryclaire Hubilla 1st
- Mindy Lee 3rd
- Minh Tran 2nd
- Miriam Miao 3rd
- Munn Maung 3rd
- Myra Okialda 1st
- Naileshni Singh 1st
- Nicklesh Singh 2nd
- Patra Boodsayaskul 2nd
- Patrick Ho 1st
- Pattie Omega 1st
- Paul Bains 1st
- Phuong Trang 3rd
- Sara Magalang 3rd
- Sharon Lau 3rd
- Steve Dinh 3rd
- Steve Lee 1st
- Steve M. Lee 2nd
- Steve Tseng 1st
- Tran Wong 3rd
- Ulysses Murillo 3rd
- Van Luu 2nd
- Vanessa Ayala-Pech 2nd
- Vicki Blackburn 3rd
- Yvonne Ho 1st
- Anthony Zung 1st
- 61 pledges crossed into active membership this term.