Finance Vice Presidents

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Part of ExComm

Official Duties

The Finance VPs' official duties are the following:

  1. To serve as chairperson of the finance committee.
  2. To receive and deposit all general chapter funds in a timely manner and to keep an accurate record thereof.
  3. To make, under proper chapter budget approval, payments from chapter accounts by check.(Checks must be counter-signed by either the co-Finance Vice President or another active member and a receipt for all services/materials purchases must be obtained.)
  4. To be diligent in the collection of membership dues (defined as all dues related to the chapter).
  5. To keep an accurate written record of payments and receipts of all moneys (in the form of a written journal or ledger) and to supply a written receipt when asked.
  6. To see that all National fees are transmitted within ten days of collection to the National Office by the membership vice president.
  7. To see that the chapter budget is prepared and approved by the third chapter meeting of the year.
  8. To audit the financial books of the chapter before turning them over to a new finance vice president and to prepare tax forms under the guidance of the advisory committee during the spring term.
  9. To submit a financial report showing the chapter's financial condition monthly at a chapter meeting.
  10. To be in charge of the planning and implementation of fund-raisers to replenish the chapter funds.
  11. To appoint a fund-raising chairperson.
  12. To perform other duties as directed by the chapter president.

In Practice

The finance vice presidents are in charge of all types of money transactions within the fraternity. They collect fees for events such as pledge retreat, winter retreat, and banquet. They also coordinate with the SVPs to create fundraising events.


  • During Chandler(F2k10) term, Finance VPs Dennis Wong and Haley Zhao added a new slide during the general meeting called Expenditures.

The expenditure slide shows the amount of money being deposited and withdrew.

  • During Chandler(F2k10) term, Finance VPs Dennis Wong and Haley Zhao created a P-5 Texas Hold'em Tournament. The tournament is a fundraiser, outer and inner IC - event. To help with the P-5 Tournament, SVPs created Pokercomm. to help set-up, plan and execute the tournament held at the ARC Ballroom.

List of Iota Phi Finance Vice Presidents

Prior to 08 March 2008, Finance Vice Presidents were known as Treasurers.

Past Treasurers: