Tiffaney Lau

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Revision as of 06:41, 15 August 2010 by Tiffaneylau (talk | contribs)
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Tiffaney Lau
Major(s) Sociology, Communications, Kpop
Pledge Class Luong Class, S2K10
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Family & Associations

Random Doesn't Even Cover It

  • Loves Junho's butt.
  • Wants people to know that Taeyang is pronounced Teh-yahng.
  • Plans to make BB Ashish Bhatt's life miserable by leaving open html tags
  • Is trying to make her wiki page as obnoxious as possible.
  • Once drowned in 1ft water. Lived to tell the tale proudly.
  • Apparently is the second most whiny LB after Lisa Liang.
  • Brought the awkward sex back from an IC brother in Irvine.
  • Sponsor Michael Ngo needs to tell me stories!
  • Majoring in kpop with an emphasis on boy bands.
  • Founded NeedyComm for Michael Ngo and Christina So, yet she is not part of it. She is part of UngratefulComm and Rejected from NeedyComm.

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