Pledge Sergeants-At-Arms
Pledge Sergeant at Arms
The Office:
The task of the Pledge S.A.A. is to help regulate the pledge meetings. They also have the ability to start the pledge meeting because they are the one responsible for the role call of the pledge groups, so the pledge meeting can commence. They are also in charge during the business portion of the meetings.
- Does not have to sit around during the pledge meeting.
- Extended knowledge of Robert's Rule and Parliamentary procedures. (It's always good to know Robert's Rules!)
- Has the power to push excomm around if the meeting is taking too long.
- "The easiest plexcomm position around" According to Paul Lee.
Before the creation of the plexcomm office of pledge S.A.A, There was once a chaotic pledge meeting that the S.A.A. couldn't handle the rowdy actives and pledges. Disorder and Chaos run amok. The situation was becoming desperate and out of nowhere a lightning struck on the blackboard of Wellman 2 and it wrote "Pledge S.A.A." A solution was finally found on how to keep the pledge meeting in order and thus the position of Pledge S.A.A was born.
Real Origin:
During Schroeder class of fall 2005 PLW. The excomm offices were assigned to talk to each pledge group about their respective offices. Clayton Luu assigned the rooms on which excomm officers will go to start their talk about their offices. However one group had an empty space, there was no other officers able to talk to the pledges about plexcomm. Donald Yip yelled out "Pledge S.A.A!" perhaps Sergeant Yip was serious or maybe he was playing around. Clayton agreed. And thus out of nowhere the pledge S.A.A. office was born. Just like that. The Schroeder class S.A.A made an impromptu speech about the new, exciting, and groundbreaking pledge Sergeant at Arms office. The S.A.A.'s were happy.
Previous Pledge SAAs:
- Richard Lee and Ryan Jung for Schroeder class.
- Carl Riemer and Ryan Huang for Fong-Quan class.
- Justin Ho and Ben Buckley for Westlake class.
- Joshua Fu and Tri Benjamin Duc Nguyen for Mayen class.
- Andrew Shi Hao Guan, Justin Ha, Gurbir Singh, and Zin (Rosalind) Linn for Jadel Class.
- Daniel Han and Tai Ma for Lipton Class.
- Eddie Pham and Derek Chan and Kenneth Woo for Krenek Class.
- Roger Lo and Xiao Ren and Justin Fukae for Jaromay Class.
- Ashley Darvin and Greg Webb and Tai Phan for McKenzie Class.
- Amit Chu and Clarence Lam and Nicholas Or for Luong Class.