Difference between revisions of "Featured:Announcements"

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   Announcement = === July 22, 2010 ===
   Announcement = === May 26, 2011 ===

*As of a few days ago, I have made an Event Report form so anyone can write a report about an event to keep a record of how to run it and log potential problems with it. To use it, go to [[Form:EventReport]], type in the name of a page, hit the "Create or Edit" button, and fill out the form. For an example of what an event report looks like, see [[Scavenger Hunt]].
*Thanks to our [[Webmaster]], Iota Phi Wiki now uses a more recent software version. Noticeably, there is a new default theme. I have also revised the front page a bit to make Portal pages more visible, so people use them more. The top right corner now contains miscellaneous links about using the Wiki.

-[[Ashish Bhatt|Ashish]]
-[[Ashish Bhatt|Ashish]]


Revision as of 20:19, 26 May 2011

May 26, 2011

  • Thanks to our Webmaster, Iota Phi Wiki now uses a more recent software version. Noticeably, there is a new default theme. I have also revised the front page a bit to make Portal pages more visible, so people use them more. The top right corner now contains miscellaneous links about using the Wiki.
