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Every [[family]] has its own events and gifts. Some events and gifts are traditional gifts, but ultimately, where to go and what to give during Secret Week are up to the [[Family Chairs|family chairs]].
Every [[family]] has its own events and gifts. Some events and gifts are traditional gifts, but ultimately, where to go and what to give during Secret Week are up to the [[Family Chairs|family chairs]].
[[Category: General Chapter Events]]

Latest revision as of 02:38, 26 June 2009

Refers to the week in every pledge term where the pledges are split up into their respective families (during Family Revealing), and then spoiled rotten all week long. The main purpose of Secret Week is so that the pledges can get to know the members of their families better, as well as receive clues to figure out who their big bro(s) is/are.

It is called "Secret Week" because a pledge does not initially know who their big bro(s) is/are, and will not be officially told until Big Bro Revealing. Not only that, but the pledges should not know where they will be going every night nor what they will receive as a gift until it comes about.

Every family has its own events and gifts. Some events and gifts are traditional gifts, but ultimately, where to go and what to give during Secret Week are up to the family chairs.