Section 4 Staff

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Duties and Obligations of Staff

The duties below offer a guide to the duties of section staff; not everything listed is generally performed by a single member, and this depends on as much the character of section staff and the section chair as it does with what is expected from the section's chapters in a given year. Most often, it is simply the judgment of members of staff about what is realistic, appropriate and feasible that determines which duties are given higher priority and which are not.

Section Chair

The Chair is responsible for the maintenance and growth of Alpha Phi Omega within the Section. Developing and giving leadership to programs that will assist Chapters in their operations and which will lead to the establishment of new Chapters.

  • Maintains constant communication with the chapters and staff in Section 4
  • Encourages participation in National Service Week
  • Promotes attendance at Leadership, Fellowship, Chapter Program Workshops
  • Promotes attendance at Fall / Spring Sectional Conferences
  • Promotes attendance at Regional / National Conferences
  • Visits all chapters as often as possible
  • Attends Sectional/Regional/National Conferences
  • Attends as many chapters' Initiations and Banquets as possible
  • Communicates with Regional Director and National Office on issues of importance to the section
  • Reports regularly to the Regional Director and performs other duties as instructed by the Regional Director.
  • Verifies with all chapters in the section that obligations have been fulfilled
  • Maintains a roster of sectional staff, regional staff and chapter officers and distributes it to all chapters and staff
  • Maintains the Section Staff Guide and makes sure each staff member has a copy
  • Knows and upholds Alpha Phi Omega'™s National Bylaws, Standard Chapter Articles of Association, Membership Policies and Risk Management Policy
  • Establishes and maintains an active relationship with every Chapter President and other Chapter Officers
  • Establishes and maintains an active relationship with every Chapter'™s Advisory Chair and other advisors
  • Recruits and develops a Sectional Staff
  • Ensures that a Sectional Conference occurs at least annually and works with the host Chapter as a resource and support person
  • Signs all contracts associated with Sectional Conferences and Section-wide events
  • Maintains records on the condition of each Chapter and petitioning group and keeping the Regional Director informed of the status of each Chapter
  • Ensures that each Chapter complies with the requirements established for it to be recognized as an active Chapter
  • Ensures that a Sectional Conference occurs at least annually and working with the host Chapter as a resource and support person
  • Communicates the concerns of the Chapters to the Regional Director and the National President.
  • Assists Chapters with the resolution of specific problems, as required.
  • Encourages Chapters to conduct as well as complete the H. Roe Bartle/Annual Chapter Program Review process.
  • Fosters inter-Chapter activities
  • Assists with the formation of new Chapters

Vice Chair

The duties are different from year to year and are assigned by the Section Chair. The Vice Chair is the back up for the Section Chair in case something comes up and they are not readily available. He/she is responsible for assisting the section chair in the maintenance and growth of Alpha Phi Omega within the Section at the Chapter level.

  • Communicates with the Section Chair at least once a month
  • Establishes and maintains an active relationship with half of the chapters within the Section.
  • Ensures a continual flow of information between Chapters and in the Section.
  • Assesses the health and viability of each active Chapter and keeps the Sectional Chair informed.
  • Assists in providing opportunities for inter-Chapter activities within the Section.
  • Assists in providing opportunities for inter-chapter activities within the Section.
  • Ensures that Chapters are abiding by the National By-Laws, Standard Articles of Association

and other policies. Report any apparent infractions immediately to the Sectional Chair.

  • Visits chapters he/she is responsible at least twice a term.
  • Attends the initiation, activation, and banquets of chapters, which he/she is responsible for.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Promotes attendance at Fall/Spring Sectional Conferences
  • Promotes attendance at Regional/National Conferences
  • Promotes Life Membership
  • Attends Sectional/Regional/National Conferences
  • Encourages participation in National Service Week
  • Prepares an annual written report for submission at the Sectional Conference.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Section Chair.

Leadership Chair

Responsible for assisting Chapters in conducting their own leadership development program.

  • Talks to chapters to find out what type of workshops they may want presented at their own meetings and schedule the workshop(s)
  • Sets up workshops for individual chapters (each workshop should have one or two staff members who are comfortable in presenting them)
  • Helps the Section Chair and the Sectional Representatives address leadership issues that arise at chapters
  • Keeps a database of all workshops that staff can present
  • Cooperates with the host Chapter of each Sectional Conference in planning the leadership development seminars (i.e. APO LEADS).
  • Encourages Brothers to participate in programs offered by the National Leadership Development Committee, such as APO LEADS or the annual National Volunteer'™s Conference.
  • Encourages Chapters to utilize the Leadership Series, the Chapter Program Planning Conference; the H. Roe Bartle/Annual Chapter Program Review and any other self-help programs offered by the Fraternity.
  • Recruits and develops additional members of the committee as required.
  • Works with his/her counterpart on Region X staff.
  • Keeps the Section Chair and other staff members informed of committee membership and activity.
  • Prepares a written report for the Sectional Conference.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Sectional Chair.

Membership Retention and Extension Chair

Responsible for assisting Chapters in realizing their membership growth and retention and for starting new chapters in the section.

  • Establishes and maintains an active relationship with Chapter membership Vice-Presidents.
  • Recruits and develops additional committee members as may be necessary
  • Develops programs to encourage membership recruitment and retention within the Section.
  • Keeps the Section Chair informed of committee membership and activity.
  • Sets up and maintains a membership retention guide for chapters'™ utilization
  • Develops a mock rush team that can be used in presentations to chapters or at conferences
  • Develops and maintains rush packets to share with all chapters in Section 4
  • Obtains contacts at schools to recharter or start a new chapter.
  • Works with his/her counterpart on Region X staff.
  • Prepares a written report for the Section Conference.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Be responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Section Chair.

Service Chair

Responsible for assisting Chapters in developing and maintaining an active, varied service program, incorporating all of the four main service areas.

  • Establish and maintain an active relationship with Chapter service Vice-Presidents or their equivalent.
  • Sets up Section 4 service projects for all chapters' participation with advanced notice
  • Develops and maintains a database of different agencies in Section 4 that need volunteers for service projects and provides information to chapters to further their service goals
  • Provide a record of service as a Section
  • Develops and implements an evaluation process for Section 4 service projects
  • Promotes participation in National Service Week and prepares a report for the Sectional Chair and the National Service Chair on the projects conducted by each Chapter.
  • Promotes the service theme of the year to all chapters in Section 4
  • Helps host Chapter to develop a service project in conjunction with the Sectional Conference.
  • Assists Chapters in developing inter-chapter service projects.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Prepares an annual written report for submission at the Sectional Conference.
  • Recruits additional committee members as necessary and keeps the Sectional Chair informed of committee membership and activities.
  • Works with his/her counterpart on Region X staff.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Sectional Chair.

Fellowship Chair

Responsible for assisting Chapters in developing and maintaining an active, varied fellowship program.

  • Promotes interchapter activities among Section 4
  • Promotes attendance at all conferences and conventions
  • Promotes fellowship activities within a chapter
  • Assists Chapters in developing inter-chapter fellowship events.
  • Sets up Section 4 fellowship events for all chapters' participation with advanced notice
  • Develops and maintains a database of different events that chapters can hold.
  • Prepare a written report for the Section Conference.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Sectional Chair.

Public Relations (Communications)/Historian

Responsible for Public Relations (communication) and history keeping within the section.

  • Coordinates with the Secretary the section newsletter and distributes it to all chapters and staff four times a year.
  • Develops and maintains a system to distribute important information to chapters and staff in a timely manner.
  • Maintains a calendar of summer/fall/spring chapters' events in Section 4 and distributes it to all chapters and staff
  • Attends events throughout section to record and photograph events
  • Develops a scrapbook/video of section 4 activities and events.
  • Develops public relations tools for Chapter use.
  • Prepares a written report for the Section Conference.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Section Chair.

Awards Chair

Responsible for the implementation of the awards program.

  • Updates Section 4 Awards form and obtains completed form from chapters before Spring Conference
  • Reviews all submitted award forms and prepares a report of recommendations to staff
  • Tallies travel award at Sectional Conferences
  • Produces certificates for all awards and recipients
  • Updates all awards
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Section Chair.

Alumni Chair

Responsible for promoting the establishment and growth of alumni associations and encouraging Chapters to work with alumni.

  • Establishes and maintains an active relationship with Chapter alumni secretaries or their equivalent.
  • Assists Chapters in developing alumni involvement.
  • Explores the development of alumni associations and work with interested alumni to create them.
  • Prepares a written report for the Section Conference.
  • Recruits and develops additional committee members as necessary and keeps the Sectional Chair informed of committee membership and activities.
  • Works with his/her counterpart on Region X staff.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks as may be assigned by the Sectional Chair.


Responsible for the maintenance of records within the section.

  • Records and keeps minutes of all Sectional meetings (staff and conferences).
  • Works with the communications chair to publish a newsletter for all Alpha Phi Omega brothers in the Section at least four times annually.
  • Establishes and maintains an active relationship with all Chapter corresponding secretaries.
  • Maintains a correspondence file.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Section Chair.

Scouting And Youth Services Chair

Responsible for scouting efforts within the section.

  • Contacts BSA/GSUSA/Campfire and other youth organizations regarding volunteer opportunities for chapters and forward the information to all chapters in Section 4
  • Keeps chapters updated on National Scouting and Youth Services matters.
  • Promotes scouting / youth service projects and exchange information within chapters
  • Aids chapters in obtaining and utilizing scouting/youth services advisors
  • Works with his/her nearest counterpart on Region X staff.
  • Prepares a written report for the Sectional Conference.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Section Chair.


  • Be prepared to organize and give workshops regarding parliamentary procedure throughout the section.
  • Advises the chair and other staff members, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure.
  • Assists chapters in maintaining and revising Chapter Bylaws and Constitutions.
  • Attends section\nal/regional/national conferences.
  • Prepares a written report for the Sectional Conference.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks as may be assigned by the Section Chair.


Responsible for the section website.

  • Maintains the section website.
  • Updates the section website as frequently as possible.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks as may be assigned by the Section Chair.

Section 1 Liaison

Responsible for maintaining communication with Section 1.

  • Establishes and maintains communication with section 1.
  • Prepares a written report for the Section Conference.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks as may be assigned by the Sectional Chair.

Section 2 Liaison

Responsible for maintaining communication with Section 2.

  • Establishes and maintains communication with section 2.
  • Prepares a written report for the Section Conference.
  • Attends sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Is responsible for additional tasks as may be assigned by the Section Chair.

Section Representatives

This is one of the most important positions on staff, the "heart" of staff, if you will. This position helps the Section Chair keep in contact with individual chapters. This position is also mandated by the National Bylaws. According to the National Bylaws, Chapters must approve their appointed Section Representative before their term is active. The requirements are simply to not being an active member or advisor to a given chapter; however, generally alumni are not made representative of their home chapter. The responsibilities of a Section Representative are to:

  • Build trust and gain respect!!
  • Talk to the President and inform them on what your purpose is as a Sectional Representative
  • Attend chapter meetings at least once a month
  • Attend a pledge meeting and / or executive meeting
  • Attend Pinning / Initiation (Activation) ceremonies (when possible)
  • Attend Banquets (money permitting)
  • Encourage participation in National Service Week
  • Inform/remind chapter of upcoming events, deadlines and dates.
  • Get to know chapter members and advisors
  • Listen and watch for signs of problems / conflicts
  • Report immediately to the Sectional Chair any apparent violations of Membership Policies or Risk Management Policies.
  • Help the chapters obtain / use advisors
  • Attend chapter functions
  • Keep in touch with president or other contact every two to four weeks via phone, e-mail, mail, etc.
  • Prepare a bi-yearly report of the chapter.
  • Attend sectional/regional/national conferences.
  • Are responsible for additional tasks that may be assigned by the Sectional Chair.
  • Please refer to the œSection 4 Representative Checklist to help ensure a chapter maintains in good standing by fulfilling all the necessary requirements as prescribed in the National Fraternity Bylaws

When planning on attending an event, make sure the president or appropriate person knows you will be coming.

Section Representatives are voted into place by their host chapter in Section 4, and like advisors, serve and leave at the pleasure of the chapter. Generally speaking, the Section Chair will appoint an alumni to be a represenative for a chapter, and after a period of time (the chapters perogative) the chapter will vote them in as Rep.

Chapters have different relations with their section representative. Some chapters see a great deal of them, and treat them like an additional advisor (which is what they are not). Iota Phi has traditionally had a less intense relationship with its section rep than many other schools, owing mostly to the fact their section rep tends to live farther away from them than most.

For a list of previous Section Representatives for Iota Phi, see Section Representatives of Iota Phi.

Other Positions As Needed

These positions are created when a situation arises and the Section Chair feels the need for a new created position (e.g. Members-at-Large, Inclusion/Diversity Chair, etc.) or special committee is necessary for the further development of the section and ultimately, the Fraternity.

You may have your own ideas on what you would like to accomplish as a staff member. When you make the decision to be on staff, talk with the Section Chair and discuss your ideas on how they will help the section.

Now that you know what each position does on staff, you may ask, "Where does section staff fit into the scheme of things?" Section staff is ultimately accountable to the student members of Alpha Phi Omega, the ultimate authority of the Fraternity.