Hercules Line
"Who put the Glad in Gladiator?"
Hercules: The expanded form of the HERC acronym which stands for Heroic, Epic, and Really Competitive Cute (too late, shirts are already printed). This Close Family line is a fraction of what is Minh's Line, and is the only family line currently seeking to eradicate FAMINE in the competition associated in Twin Line (as the forces of good must prevail over evil.) Every member of this line displays the competitive spirit to win and by virtue, are WINNERS.
Other characteristics include: having large appetites, playing board games, being extremely good looking, and being slightly indecisive (as the line name was not decided until Zlatkovich Term when David Lac came along and suggested the line name + created most of the content of this page.)
Both Lillian Khan and her cube, David Lac designed the t-shirts and certificates of Close Family during their pledge/active terms.
- Angela Yang (Founder and Head) (Jaromay Class, S2K9)
- Anthony Le (McKenzie Class, F2K9)
- Lillian Khan (Luong Class, S2K10)
- Vinson Banh (Chandler Class, F2K10)
- Ivy Zhou (Chew Class, S2K11)
- David Lac (Zlatkovich Class, F2K11)
- Michelle Huang (Serrano Class, S2K12)
- Timothy Akana (Harty Class), F2K12)
Other Names and Random Facts
- HERC Line, READ (Ready to Eat All Day) Line, God Line, Indecisive-Name Line.
- Is part of Twin Line (as the Good side) with FAM Line being the Evil side.
- Angela Yang and Lillian Khan are notorious for being clumsy and getting bruises.
- All are so nice that decisions are sometimes hard to come to because they are so considerate of others. Hence, being indecisive.
- The boys particularly are nice, BUT are always ready to duke it out with anyone who messes with them! SO DON'T!
- Everyone eats a ridiculous amount of food, yet they all still manage to stay beautiful and sexy (a trait shared with those in FAM Line.)
- EVERY MEMBER WEARS GLASSES (yeah, it's weird.)
- Chianny Lin is an honorary member.
- One of a few number of lines to have line T-Shirts.
- One of a few number of lines that have a line banner.
- Line banner is passed down every term to the newest addition (as an active).
- The "C" in HERC no longer stands for competitive because apparently only David Lac and Lillian Khan share that characteristic. It now stands for "cute."