Booty Scoop
A booty scoop is a dance move usually involving two people in which the performer squats while placing her hands on her thighs and gracefully rubs her butt up the receiver's pelvic region.
The booty scoop was first introduced to Iota Phi during Toy Term, S2K4. Toy pledge Allan Dacanay first described the move at the first annual Blow the Whistle on Asthma service project. Pledge Parents Thuong Tang and Almira Van offered webmaster Erik Staab a nominal reward to do the booty scoop as a challenge at the next pledge meeting following the project.
Being a good sport, Erik decided to accept the offer. There was one problem: he did not know how to perform a booty scoop and is a terrible dancer. Luckily for him his neighbor, and Toy Class pledge, Laura Sandoval knew how. After rigorous physical and mental training from Laura, Erik was ready to perform the scoop.
Or was he? During the pledge meeting, Erik needed a recipient for Iota Phi's first ever booty scoop. He offered two options: someone would volunteer to receive the scoop, or the challenger herself, Thuong Tang would be the receiver (the other challenger Almira is Erik's big bro and was an inappropriate candidate). Pledges and actives alike marveled at the idea of sending the popular pledge parent to face what others feared could only be sheer embarrassment.
And so it started. Down... up... finished. To her relief, the booty scoop was quick and painless, and Iota Phi was provided with yet another way to extend meetings to incredible length.
The Legacy Continues
Modern day Iota Phi still practices and enjoys the booty scoop. While its introducer only rarely performs the move, many other members of the fraternity practice it, as often as several times in a single meeting.
Many Iota Phi members have taken the booty scoop to far greater levels than Erik ever could. In particular, many have successfully lifted their butts above the level of their heads. Another great accomplishment are the double and triple scoops, where a single receiver takes on multiple performers simultaneously. Most notable for this is Birthday Comm, which has its members and other volunteers performs concurrent scoops for almost ever birthday occassion.
Doing it for money
Just as the original booty scoop was a challenge to make $5, booty scoops today are often done for incentives. The aforementioned Birthday Comm collects donations before performing scoops on birthday recipients. While a booty scoop is itself a reward, it is also a service, and should be compensated appropriately.
Tips on performing a good scoop
The best booty scoops come from passion and dedication. While there are a number of ways to improve one's booty scoop, the best way is to learn from those that do it best. If you know the booty scoop well and can contribute to the collective knowledge of the chapter, please post your advice here!