Haley Ko

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Pledged Tran class.

Offices and Positions

Big Bros

Miyama Ishii

Arlynne from Omicron Zeta

Little Bros

Thu K Ho

Bryce Fitzsimons

Timon Tran

Correen Tsui

Random Facts

  • Has read every single page of the Iota Phi wiki.
  • Is an awesome baker. His cookies and brownies are the best!
  • Believes that people on the wiki should use the show preview button more often.
  • Really good at cleaning up the messes people left at Wiki.
  • Plays halo, and beats every lots of games on his xbox.
  • Named after the Haley Bob comet. (Claire gets the Hale-Bopp and Halley's Comet mixed up a lot. She's a little slow at times - Haley)
  • Risk Management!!! WOooooo! -Haley