From the TAPS homepage:
"The Division of Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) facilitates the access and mobility needs of the campus community through the coordination of efforts among TAPS units and with other campus departments and non-university entities, and ensures that services are provided in a professional, efficient, and service-oriented manner."
TIZZAPS! Yes, we're the people who give tickets...well, some of us, anyway (Alice Cheng and Donald Yip). Or we steal your bikes (mainly Lo Saechao..and all the past employees thus far). Our crew is led by Emil Tehrani, Advisor.
Iota Phi employees, past and present, include:
Present: Lo Saechao, Alice Cheng, Nancy Wong, Donald Yip, Stephanie Lee, Bethany Whiteside, Sang Duong
Past: Cindy Tseng, Warren Tseng, Steve Tseng, Bamboo Hsu, Tien Tran