M Building
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M Building is the Asian Pacific Academic Theme Program (APATH) residence hall located in Tercero Pierce. Filled with Asians, it was a prime rushing ground for new pledges and their meal swipes. It's time that we kept track of previous M building residents in Iota Phi. Add yourself to the list.
Residents of 2004-2005
- Tran Class: Hanh Duong and Nhi Kiet.
Residents of 2006-2007
- Eric Auyeung was one of the Resident Advisors and he got (tricked) 5 residents into pledging Westlake Class.
- Westlake class: Anna Phan, Martin Bernardino, Rachel Lau, Reginald Woo, and Yiqiong (Rachel) Liu.
- Mayen Class: Alice Hsu, Cindy Truong, Helen Li, Jon Michael Terrado, Joshua Fu, Melanie Tern, Mika Nishiya, Samuel Wong, Tuan Truong, Tri Nguyen, and Yvette Tomita.
- Accounted for 11 of the total 63 pledges.
- Most were tricked by Rachel Lau and initiated at the makeup-makeup initiation.
- Likes to take exclusive M Building group pictures at every major event.
- Adopted Rachel Loh and Romie Amposta because they always hung out with them.
- Hotspot for Actives looking for free swipes to the Dinning Commons.
- Jadel Class: Lydia Li
- Lipton Class: David Yu, Tommy Lam, and Simon Lo.
- [[Krenek Class (Fall 2008)}Krenek Class]]: Anderson Wang.
Residents of 2007-2008
- Jadel Class: Whitney Ng
- Lipton Class: Zevin Yu
- Krenek Class: Jenny Ho, Kelly Zhou
- McKenzie Class: Gary Hom, Kevin Phan, William Chen, Jason Wong
Residents of 2008-2009
- McKenzie Class: Chrisy Tran
- Luong Class: Alvin Lee, Bryan Lee, Maiden Thanh Do, Nicholas Or, Paolo Castro Jose, William On, Ryan Tong
- Honorary Resident Tiffany Lee
- Chandler Class: Ken Chen