Twin Line

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Twin Line Prior to F2K11

A classic tale of Good vs. Evil consisting of the Hercules and FAM Lines (where FAM stands for famine because they are so evil). They engage in fierce competitions to gain the rights to laugh at the other, "inferior" line. As of April 2012, the forces of good prevails with a +7 advantage.


Founders of Twin Line: Kristal Delacruz and Angela Yang

During their night of Initiation (Jaromay, Spring 2009), an active brother thought Angela Yang and Kristal Delacruz were real twin sisters. That same night, the two of them also ended up being each other's bird and perch for the Berdie on a Perch game. From then on, Angela Yang and Kristal Delacruz hit it off well and referred to each other as "FRATernal Twins". Their twin relationship solidified even more when they became members of Close Family. The two started to have Twin Dates when they both got their own Little Bros Anthony Le and Norman Cheng (McKenzie, Fall 2009). And so, Twin Line was born and with subsequent recruitments, war has been raged ever since.


Twin Line after a HERC victory; w/o Luong Twins

From Hercules Line: Angela Yang, Anthony Le, Lillian Khan, Vinson Banh, Ivy Zhou. David Lac, Michelle Huang

From FAM Line: Kristal Delacruz, Norman Cheng, Quynh Nguyen, Van Doan, Sophia Chen, Anthony Lo, Patricia Kamlley

Random Facts

Zlatkovich additions (and arch-enemies): David Lac and Anthony Lo
Serrano additions: Michelle Huang and Patricia Kamlley
  • Hercules Line is considered good because they are awesome, sweet, and nice...and don't cheat in board games.
  • FAM Line is considered evil because they are awkward and enjoy creating mischief.
  • Therefore, in the context of Twin Line, the FAM acronym stands for Foul And Malicious.
  • Both lines are monolineages which creates arch-enemies out of each term member additions.
  • Some battles thus far have included the game of LIFE, Bang!, bowling, various arcade games, etc.