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The TRUE Story

The 110 (One-ten) Legacy began during Luong Pledge Retreat. Group 1 trainers and Group 10 trainers became supreme rivals. Each group claimed to be superior in everything competitive, but most importantly in the prized battle of throwing balls into cups. Within hours of the rivalry both groups ceded title of best pledge group and combined into a mega-superior- amazing blend that would later be known as ONETEN!

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The decision to merge into a super awesome group was reached within group 10’s pledge tent the first night of retreat. Yelling the same answers out (which will remain unstated) while playing taboo together brought it to our attention that both groups’ trainers and trainees were the equivalent of peanut butter and jelly or shampoo and conditioner, in other words destined to be together.

There after the original ONETEN trainers Raymond Chan ,Lynn Nguyen,Alexander Nguyen, Albert Thao, Patrick Wong, Jennifer Fong, & Cherie Baker had an alliance and forever good mug our trainees at meetings and cause other groups to hate us and challenge us. *Ahem * the true enemy Seventeen.

During Luong term, Luong trainees became close knit and did not just see each other at meetings. It forged long lasting friendships to this day(3 terms after, and still holding strong).

110 Members include:
Luong term Group 1: Aaron Manley, Annabelle Seo, Ben Tong, David Tran, Leanne Chou, Mina Vuong. Sophia Lee.
Luong term Group 10: Amit Chu, Clara Chung, Kelly Ho, Mailyne Nguyen, Tiffany Le.
Chandler term Group 1: Christine Young, Cory Bullis, Derek Ng, Katherine Sun, Kevin Lam, Naomi Luong, Van Doan.
Chandler term Group 1 Trainers: Clara Chung, David Tran, Sally Comande, Sophia Lee. Dustin Tran
Chandler term Group 10: Annie Kan, Daniel Szeto, Sophia Van.
Chandler term Group 10 Trainers: Aaron Manley, Anna Huang, Kelly Ho, Mailyne Nguyen.
Chew term group 1: Matthew Yan, Quynh A. Tran, Roan Jane Chiong.
Chew term Trainers: Giolinh Luong, Naomi Luong.
Chew term Group 22: Ivy Zhou.
Chew term Trainers: Cory Bullis, Sherry Chen.
Chew term Group 16: Jeremy Truong, Jen Truong.
Chew term Trainers: Katherine Sun, Tracey Lin.

Random Facts

  • Chandler term the legacy of 110 was passed down, as all the trainees of 110 became trainers of the new 110. *Cough Alexander Nguyen*
  • 110 once bid on their trainers Patrick Wong and Albert Thao for $110 at a CLW auction for a lightshow and driving stick lessons
  • Many honorary 110’s have been initiated since we are so cool.
  • Whenever 110 is around “THERE ARE BEADS EVERYWHERE.”