Kim Ruiz
Revision as of 11:16, 18 May 2010 by Itsedmondfoo (talk | contribs)
Pledged West class.
Pledge group: The Legend of Togo West
- Member of Close Family
- Big Bro: Bao Ngo
- Lil Bros: Wei-Li Gao, Chadwick Lee, Jenny An, David Tov
Offices and Positions
- Pledge Fellowship: West class (Fall 2004) wtih Erin Baccay
- Spirit Chair: Tran class (Spring 2005) with Matthew Siri
- Pledge Retreat Chair: Tran class (Spring 2005) with Phuoc La
- Pledge Trainer: Tran class (Spring 2005) with Joe Lau and Jason Greene for Group 10- The Incredible Popeye Minhs
- Spirit Chair: GAS class (Fall 2005) with Erin Baccay
- Pledge Trainer: Fong-Quan class (Spring 2006) with Kim Nguyen and Christina Dang for Group 9- The Super Cool Ninja Pirates of the IPhi
- Family Chair: Fong-Quan class (Spring 2006) with Vi Le and Sophia Chang for Close Family
- Sectional Voting Delegate: Fong-Quan class (Spring 2006) with Monlia Wu
Awards and Accomplishments
- Winner of the Pledge Leadership Award (West class)
- Sturdy Oak recepient (GAS class)
- also known as Erin Baccay
- does the booty clap like no other
- will be one of the first people on the dance floor
- laughs at anything
- loves her big bro bizzao (Bao Ngo)
- loves her lil bros Wei-Li Gao, Chadwick Lee and Jenny An
- loves her partner Jenny T. Dang
- loves her hot dates Nhi Kiet and Caroline H. Nguyen
- loves her sponsorees Gaurav Goel (Tran class), Karina Rink (GAS class) and Albert Hsiao (Fong-Quan class)
- loves WestPlex, her mommy and daddy, and the rest of West class
- loves her nieces and nephews AKA Tran class
- drives stick shift along with her partner, very hot!!!
- got a job and a boyfriend and disappeared. sad.