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- This is UC Davis' Landscape Architechture and Design major. Not many people know that Davis has an awesome Landscape design major. Drawing up plans, sketches, CAD work, computer generated graphics and of course model building are just a few things we do. Come to any of our classes; we like an audience.
How to find an LDA major.
- LDA majors can be seen relatively easily, wandering around in Walker Hall at odd hours of the night, Kinko's making late night copies, TB112 working on the plotter making oversized copies. You can see them with their clear colored tubes (Blue, orange, green, yellow or purple.) which carry their plans. Others carry the telescopic expanding tubes and 36" t-squares all in hand. They are also known for carrying massive tackle boxes full of art supplies. ONE FINAL NOTE, ALL NIGHTERS ARE A PART OF THE JOB. LDAer's do not sleep. You can tell from their all nighters from the fact they are wearing the same clothes they wore the day before, sleeping in class or COHO, mumbling and baggy eyes, and some times hungover.
Who's In LDA!!!
- Alex Chan Hsiung class STATUS: Graduated 2004
- Christopher Takemori Dacy class STATUS: Entering into final year. Only 4 class left.
- Bethany Whiteside Dacy class STATUS: Entering into 3rd year?
- Aywon-Anh Nguyen West class STATUS: Entering into 2nd year?
- Jenny Yang West class STATUS: Entering into 2nd year?