Leslie Cheng
Revision as of 05:03, 9 May 2010 by Omgusosilly (talk | contribs)
Pledge Class
- Krenek Class F2K8
- Mascot: Transformers
- Member of Close Family
- Minh's line
- Big Bro: Lily Hung
- Little Bro(s): Aaron Chen (Jaromay), Nicholas Or (Luong)
- Fake Little Bro(s): Jane Pak, Ashley Darvin
- Sponsor(s): Alexander Kwong and Kyle Higashidani
- Sponsoree(s): S2K9: Diana Le, F2K9: Patrick Wong, S2K10: Tiffaney Lau
Offices and Positions
- Pledge Service with Ashley Garcia (Krenek, Fall 2008)
- Pledge Trainer with Ray Chan and Vanessa Au (Group 13 Jaromay, Spring 2009)
- Pledge Trainer with Jennifer Yang and Jason Wong (Group _ Luong, Spring 2010)
- Needs to fix her sleeping schedule
- "Nicest Person in the world" according to Jane Pak - it's true!!
- Likes old men with pretty eyes
- Names her stuff animals (i.e. Panda in picture above is "Tum Tum")