Becky Le
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Pledged: Mayen Class S2K7
- Member of Close Family
- Big Bro Anthony Duong
- Lil Bros Ray Chan, Wilson Li, Benjamin Ho, and Zuway Yeh
- Sponsor Selena Yang
- Sponsoree Randall Leung
Offices and Positions
- Big Bro/Lil Bro Chair Jadel Class F2K7
- Pledge Trainer Jadel Class F2K7
- Fellowship Vice President S2K8 with Qui Tran
- Membership Vice President F2K8 with Christina Ly
- Finance Fice President S2K9 with Selby Tran
Random Facts
- LOVES Hannah Montana
- Works at Jamba Juice with Jonathan Fong
- Her lil bro, Ray, is always looking for someone to adopt him