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The Apartment of Champions
There comes a time in every century when individuals of great caliber come together in an Assembly of Awesomeness, a Faction of Facerolling, an Epic Epitome of Excellence, and the Pwnage of Pong. Never has such an address brought fear and anxiety to the world of kick backs, parties, and random gatherings.
Three Champions. One Roof. Temescal apartment P4.
The Champions
The names listed are written in the form most heard at gatherings where Pong is involved:
- "Fucking Daniel Roy"
- "Fucking Jon Wiles"
- "Fucking Kevin Vuong"
note: P4 consists of one non AphiO member Chris Dong, who is equally epic at Pong.
P4 Commandments
Also known as P4 rules:
- Thou shalt not finger or blow (except as practice, or in the company of a wench)
- Thou shalt pull 3 goblets when both spheres have penetrated the same goblet
- Thou may bounce, though it shalt be worth only one goblet
- If one practices Witchcraft and sinks three spheres in a row, thou shalt be set on fire
- When all thy cups have been smote, thou shalt shoot til thou misses
The entry shall end here due to the fact that even thinking about P4 may cause brain hemorrhages, amnesia, and epilepsy.