Erik Staab

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Pledged Hancock class.


Offices and Positions

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Responsible for coding up almost the entire website as we know it from scratch.
  • Responsible for bringing the "booty scoop" into Iota Phi, which led to the short-lived nickname, "Booty Scoop."

Random Facts

  • Coding God.
  • Also known as "Spiderman" (get it? WEBmaster?).
  • Retired competitive Street Fighter player on, specializing in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. (Because of the great skills that the Lew Bros. carried in MvC2, he retired knowing he can never beat them unless he decides to tweak their joysticks when they're not lookign)
  • He first met the Lew Brothers at a random MvC2 tournament in his hometown Sunnyvale many years ago. And then, he finally met them again in the MUGA at U.C. Davis. And then, he joined the Iota Phi Chapter. How random is that? =P