Difference between revisions of "Featured:Announcements"

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   Announcement = === Updated January 23, 2023 05:15===
   Announcement = === Updated May 26, 2023 06:13===

* The iPhi Chapter wiki is back with limited functionality, please be patient while I try to update and create the pages missing from when it was down, and train new people to edit the wiki. Classes affected are Ng, Chang, Katz, Dinh, Keene, and Kwock.
* The iPhi Chapter wiki is back! Special shoutout to Marco Gomez, Carmen David, Kevin Tran, and the wiki chairs for restoring the wiki!

- [[Kenji Lo|Kenji]]
- [[Hazel Yu|Hazel]]


Revision as of 01:06, 27 May 2023

Updated May 26, 2023 06:13

  • The iPhi Chapter wiki is back! Special shoutout to Marco Gomez, Carmen David, Kevin Tran, and the wiki chairs for restoring the wiki!

- Hazel