Difference between revisions of "Becca Yee"

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(these were taken a year apart...eerily similiar)
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http://www.iotaphi.org/images/profiles/544.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b115/ablipton/beccas.jpg
http://www.iotaphi.org/images/profiles/544.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b115/ablipton/beccas.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b115/ablipton/Becca2.jpg

Rebecca Yee. Pledged [[Hancock|Hancock class]].<br>
Rebecca Yee. Pledged [[Hancock|Hancock class]].<br>

Revision as of 21:53, 3 August 2005

544.jpg beccas.jpg Becca2.jpg

Rebecca Yee. Pledged Hancock class.

Big Bro: Aaron Lipton.

Lil Bros: An Lanh Nguyen, Andrew Matey, and Kevin Punsalan.

Adopted Lil Bro's: Joseph Milligan, Julie Chiu

  • powerful handshake
  • Also known as "Biggie Smalls"
  • Looks extremely cute in the ear muffs she always wears during winter